Friendship Roses Bouquet

KSh 3,360.00

In stock


This is a bouquet of yellow roses with three red roses. The flowers have been freshly cut and beautifully arranged and wrapped. A bouquet of yellow roses is the gift you’ve been looking for to surprise your loved one for her or his birthday.

You can also send this bouquet as an apology gift. Order today and enjoy same-day delivery services and a free complimentary card for a birthday.

Visit this link for more flowers.

This is a bouquet of yellow roses with three red roses. The flowers have been freshly cut and beautifully arranged and wrapped. A bouquet of yellow roses is the gift you’ve been looking for to surprise your loved one for her or his birthday.

You can also send this bouquet as an apology gift. Order today and enjoy free delivery for all orders above 5000 shillings within Kenya and a free complimentary card for a birthday.

view other available flowers here

Visit this link for more flowers.

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